This thing right here is called Vampyroteuthis infernalis, i.e. "vampire squid from Hell" but it's not technically a squid, but rather resembles jellyfish in composition but is still considered to be in the same family as octopus, squids and the like (ok, I am confused...) It live at 3000 ft depth and is the animal with the biggest eyes in the world proportionally to the rest of its body. I think we can all see why. The good news is it reaches max 28 cm in length.
Pictures are from here and here. Check out the National Geographic videoclip below, for even more creepiness.
Toзи "октопод", който има черти на медуза (заради това, че може да "свети'), се нарича Vampyroteuthis infernalis ("вампирски октопод от Ада") и е животното с най-големи очи (пропорционално на тялото) в света, но достига едва до 28 см на дължина. Вижте и клипа на National Geographic по-долу.